Legacy - How to Annotate Report Card

Legacy - How to Annotate Report Card

Add New Exam Form

Search any Client / Patient

Click on "Exam"

1) Select "Add New Exam Form" option.

Give the form name and Click on "Add"


Click on the name of exam form.

It Will Redirect You to the exam forms which are already created.

From the list Select the one which you made

Click on the name of exam form.

1) Click on Add button to Add new component or form.

2) Click on the name of component which is already available added to add report card to it

(In this case name of the exam form is Vetport exam form and as well the Component added is

with the same name as "Chart")

Component will have two comment by default Normal and Abnormal

1. Below Report Card there is "Add button" . Click on that to add report card.

Upload image to report card

1) Browse for the Image

2) Click on "Upload Image"

3) Select Modify Report Card

Perform an Exam on a patient

Search any Client / Patient

For which you want to add that exam

1. Click on Exam and Select exam that you have configured with the Report Card.

In the check box tick the comment for which you have configured / Attached a report card.

And Save that exam.

That Exam Will Appear on the EMR of that client / Patient under a particular Master problem.

That Exam Will Appear on the EMR of that client / Patient under a particular Mater problem.

1. Click on image.

2. Select "Edit Image" option.

Edit Image

Now, the image will be open in a new editor, here you can mark as well as comment on the image using various tools.

Click on the save button to save the changes.

This edited image can be used for future references

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