Legacy - Editing existing and Creating New Diagnostic and Radiology Forms

Legacy - Editing existing and Creating New Diagnostic and Radiology Forms

A diagnostic form can be created for a plan item that is defined under the Plan Type Diagnostics.

Add Plan with a Diagnostic Form

So one defines a plan under diagnostics

1) Select Category/Subcategory as a Diagnostic.

2) Remember to check if it is associated with a diagnostic form.

3) Give a name for the Plan Item

Enter other relevant details on the form save this and move to the next stage after for defining cost

Add / edit diagnostic forms

This would read add diagnostic form if there was no form associated with this plan item

First: Editing an Existing Form

1. Edit Other form details: Edit all the elements, analyses, range, units, etc.

2. Modify form: Any new additions to the existing form or reshuffling of elements can be saved.

3. Preview: Preview the existing form. If any changes are made, you need to first save it (clicking on modify from the button) before clicking on preview.

4. Remove form: Remove existing form

Editing Existing Form 2nd Step

Edit the data

Second: Creating a New Form From Set Templates

1. Chose this to create a 2 column formate

2. Choose this for a 4 column formate

3. chose this for a 5 column formate etc.

The most common 6 Column Format for lab tests with a user-fillable result field and predefined min, max, and units. Use this form to create manual entry forms for some reference lab and clinic analyzer forms including Heska Analyzers. The Manual form should be created in the image of the reference lab or analyzer output forms.

1. Choose the column format you prefer.

Adding the elements to the form

1. Type the element name

2. Pick the type of Variable you want

3. Set the range

4. Add your units

5. Allows you to move the elements Up/Down

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