Legacy - Capture and Approve reports from VetScan Analyzer

Legacy - Capture and Approve reports from VetScan Analyzer

View, approve successfully captured VetScan Analyzer data. Presently Vetport supports capturing of results from Vetscan, through a serial port. The user can capture the Vetscan raw data locally in their clinic and the captured data is automatically uploaded to Vetport server. A small application, supplied by Vetport, will be running on your local machine to which Vetscan is attached, to capture the data on the serial port and post it remotely to Vetport. Please contact Vetport Support Team to get it installed in your clinic.

For multiple clinics, Vetscan can be installed in each clinic and the results captured, processed, approved and saved independently.

Similarly Vetport can capture results from other lab analyzers. Please contact Vetport Support Team for your requirements.

Analyzers menu

1) The User can see the list of captured VetScan analyser data for various patients, which is checked by Vetport and marked as success (no errors in the data) and error (errors in the data and needs to be captured again). Each lab report has a unique requisition id which is generated by Vetport. To correlate the captured lab report, the requisition id neeeds to be entered into the analyzer at the initiation of the test run as "Operator Number". The captured results contains this requisition id and hence the patient / client can be identified by Vetport
2) List of successfully captured data from Vetscan. The user can then approve the results so that it can be printed and added in the patient's medical record as an Objective.

Approval Pending to EMR

Tests are automatically received over the internet from the PC attached to the VetScan Analyzer within seconds of the test completion.
1) Select test for approval by checking one or more tests.
2) Approve for insertion into the patient Electronic Medical Record. The requisition number entered under "Operator Number" during test intitiation on the VetScan Routes the test to the proper master problem.

Vetscan captured Raw Data

Only available to vpadmin domain for troubleshooting.

1) List of captured raw data from Vetscan
2) Requisition id to identify the patient for the lab report
3) Captured date
4) Delete the lab report, if required

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