Legacy - Build a History Form

Legacy - Build a History Form


Open up an existing form - General History for editing

1. Activate a client in the dashboard.
2. Click on history and choose a form to edit.
3. Add a new History Form

Clicking the Edit Button above will launch this page

1. One can edit the question here or even make the same inactive to remove it from the list far right side
2. You can change the order of the questions.

Clicking on the question hyper link will display the options

1.) One can link a group plan, differential, and report card data to the answer comment. This will be loaded only if the comment is to be "displayed in problem list" (please refer to the next slide to see where this is selected
2.) To add another answer / comment
3. Will allow you to edit history comment

Adding another comment to the list above

1. Click on display in the problem list to be able to add a group plan and differential list to the comment
2. Click here to additional field for indicator.
3. Do not forget to save your changes

Another way to access the history forms list

1. Setting and Help
2. Complaint, History, Exam, Assessment Grid

Click on the history form for the species you are working on

Edit History Form, as you see you can edit your complaints, exam forms, assessment / diagnosis here also.

Access the same list and one can add or edit an existing form

1. You can delete a form you do not need by clicking on the "x" icon
2. Or edit the form
3. Clicking on the Hyperlink allows you to edit the questions etc.

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