Legacy - Accounting Control

Legacy - Accounting Control

Settings And help --> Business Intelligence --> Accounting Control

Accounting Control

Audit Invoices

Report for invoice amount > 0

You can click the Edit button to change the perform date of the invoice. This will not have any effect on the payment whatsoever.

Report for invoice amount = 0

Accounting Control

Clinic Invoice Balance

Clinic Invoice Balance

Audit Payments

Audit Payments - Payments Received ( Cleared & Uncleared)

Select the date range and then generate the report

Payment Received (by Payment Date)

Total Received Payments

Audit payments - payments cleared against invoices

Payments cleared against invoices

Select the date range and then generate the report

Audit Credited Items

Return Items

Select the date and generate the report

Return Items



Other Credits

Select the date and generate the report

Sales Tax

Archived Deposit

Cart Deletion log

Cart Deletion Log All Clients

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