Legacy - Configure Antech Lab Items and Associate them with VETport Lab Items

Legacy - Configure Antech Lab Items and Associate them with VETport Lab Items

VETport comes with a generally complete table of Antech Plan Items. This lesson describes how to edit or update this table, and how to make the association to VETport plan items. Once this relation is established then automatic TRF(Test Request Forms) generation for Antech labs becomes available.

Antech Labs Menu

Access Antech Plan Items and Codes from Settings Menu

Table of Antech Laboratory Tests

1) Add or edit Antech Laboratory Plan Items.

2) Antech test code.

3) Antech region. West, East and Canada codes may vary.

Assign Vetport Plan item to Antech Plan item

1) Antech Laboratory Item to be associated

2) Search Clinic Plan Item to be associated with the Antech Laboratory Item.

OR You can create Plan Items for Antech Items and Establish Relation Automatically

Establish Relation Automatically

1. Click on the plan item (s) you want to build a relationship with.

2. Click on Create Plan Items for Antech Lab Items & Establish Relationship.

3. The Plan Item name then appears here.

Relationship will be established when it shows here

***Now please set the price for the plan Item under Add/Edit Plan Items.

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